Our six team names and meaning: Bears, Bats, Hawks, Turtles, Deer and Flying Squirrels

Bear represents courage; having the courage to stand up to our fears and to have courage to stand up for others. We choose to take colours from the three bears we have in British Columbia and integrate them into the design. Using black to represent the black bear, brown to represent grizzlies and white to represent the Spirit Bear. (finishing 2nd in the 2023-2024 season did not have a team for 2024-2025)

Deer represent tenderness tempered with strength. This allows deer to act even when obstacles challenge the path, and to never back down. We choose to take the colours from the black tailed deer found all over B.C. (finishing 4th in the 2024-2025 season)

Turtle represent truth, and wisdom. That the learning from a journey can be more important than the destination. We choose to take the colours from only native turtles to B.C., the painted turtle. (finishing 3rd in the 2024-2025 season)

Hawk represents determination, and focus. Coupled with its aerial agility, it provides the hawk with the ability to see prey at great distance and quietly fly with great speed towards their goal. We choose to take the colours from the Northern Goshawk that resides all over B.C. and are hard to see as they prefer to live away from civilization. (League Champions for the 2024-2025 season)

Bat represents transition, and the start of a new beginning. As we enter into our second season, we are transitioning from what we have known for female box lacrosse to be, into another level of higher competition, ability and play. We choose to use the Silver- haired Bat native to BC.(finishing 5th in the 2024-2025 season)

Flying Squirrel represents keeping focus on one's dreams and goals. Each of us has dreams we are working towards both in our personal and lacrosse lives, because of the focus needed to help achieve these and the announcement that Women's Box lacrosse will be at the World level. We choose to use the Northern Flying Squirrel that is native to B.C. (finishing 2nd in the 2024-2025 season)